Last Day with the Car

Photo: The harbour at Elios (Neo Klima).
Φωτογραφία: Έλιος (Νέο Κλήμα) – Στο Λιμάνι.

Yesterday was our last day with the car – and today is our last full day in Greece.

After breakfast, Mum and I went in to town – to get to a bank and the supermarket. The morning was then spent by the pool.

We didn’t have lunch at the apartment, but instead we went to Έλιος – (Νέο Κλήμα)/Elios (Neo Klima) and had lunch in the café next to the beach there.

At first glance there isn’t much to the village but after walking along to the harbour I could see there was more there, a second beach which is the main town beach and more tavernas, a supermarket, I think there’s a school there as well so it is more than just another tourist resort.

The village is known as Neo (New) Klima because the original – Παλαιό/Palaio (Old) Klima, a few kilometres away – was badly damaged by Earthquakes in the 1950s and 1960s. Eventually, in the early 1980s, the residents (those who had not yet moved elsewhere) were transferred to Elios.

After swimming at Elios we moved on, this time to Πάνορμος/Panormos for a last swim followed by an early dinner watching the Sunset.

Mum, Corrie and I all had my favourite dish, γιουβέτσι (giouvetsi) – beef cooked with rice in tomato sauce, served in a clay pot with cheese sprinkled over the top.

Early start today – we are off to catch a boat shortly to spend the say at Sea.


Φρεντ Χαρτ

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